Overhaul of power plant units is based on providing a wide range of maintenanceservices, from standard overhauls to upgrades and renovations, and providingnew components tailored to the project’s specific needs.
Overhaul project activities that are not related to the V94.2 gas turbine(manufactured by Siemens, Ansaldo, and Mapna) and None OEM includethe following:
- Management of overhaul projects and RI of gas turbines GE Frame 5, 6, 9 (monitoring the RI of gas turbines 9F of Montazer Qaim Combined CyclePower Plant, etc.)
- Repairs and supply of spare parts related to:
- GE Turbines F5, F6, F9- Hitachi H25 Turbines
- All types of Siemens SGT turbines
- Zoria turbine